/** * Thread that accepts and configures new connections. There is one of these per endpoint. */private[kafka] class Acceptor(val endPoint: EndPoint, val sendBufferSize: Int, val recvBufferSize: Int, brokerId: Int, processors: Array[Processor], connectionQuotas: ConnectionQuotas) extends AbstractServerThread(connectionQuotas) with KafkaMetricsGroup { private val nioSelector = NSelector.open()//注册监听socket的Selector对象!!! val serverChannel = openServerSocket(endPoint.host, endPoint.port)//监听套接字!!! this.synchronized {//启动其管辖的Processor线程 processors.foreach { processor => Utils.newThread(s"kafka-network-thread-$brokerId-${endPoint.listenerName}-${endPoint.securityProtocol}-${processor.id}", processor, false).start() } }
/** * Accept loop that checks for new connection attempts */ def run() { serverChannel.register(nioSelector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT)//注册ACCEPT事件 startupComplete() try { var currentProcessor = 0 while (isRunning) { try { val ready = nioSelector.select(500)//最多等待500毫秒的时间,看是否有socket过来! if (ready > 0) { val keys = nioSelector.selectedKeys() val iter = keys.iterator() while (iter.hasNext && isRunning) { try { val key = iter.next iter.remove() if (key.isAcceptable) accept(key, processors(currentProcessor)) else throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized key state for acceptor thread.") // round robin to the next processor thread currentProcessor = (currentProcessor + 1) % processors.length//看来也是采用轮询的方案 } catch { case e: Throwable => error("Error while accepting connection", e) } } } }
/** * A round robin load balancer for choosing selector threads for new * connections. */ protected static class SelectorThreadLoadBalancer { private final Collection threads; private Iterator nextThreadIterator; publicSelectorThreadLoadBalancer(Collection threads) { if (threads.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one selector thread is required"); } this.threads = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList (threads)); nextThreadIterator = this.threads.iterator(); } public SelectorThread nextThread() { // Choose a selector thread (round robin) if (!nextThreadIterator.hasNext()) { nextThreadIterator = threads.iterator(); } return nextThreadIterator.next(); } }}一旦到了最后,就回绕到第1个
/* * Accept a new connection */ def accept(key: SelectionKey, processor: Processor) {
stop in kafka.network.SocketServer$Acceptor.acceptstop in kafka.network.SocketServer$Acceptor.runstop at kafka.network.SocketServer:335stop at kafka.network.SocketServer:265
/* * Accept a new connection */ def accept(key: SelectionKey, processor: Processor) { val serverSocketChannel = key.channel().asInstanceOf[ServerSocketChannel] val socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept()//调用accept函数获取 socket句柄 try { connectionQuotas.inc(socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress) socketChannel.configureBlocking(false) socketChannel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(true) socketChannel.socket().setKeepAlive(true) if (sendBufferSize != Selectable.USE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) socketChannel.socket().setSendBufferSize(sendBufferSize) debug("Accepted connection from %s on %s and assigned it to processor %d, sendBufferSize [actual|requested]: [%d|%d] recvBufferSize [actual|requested]: [%d|%d]" .format(socketChannel.socket.getRemoteSocketAddress, socketChannel.socket.getLocalSocketAddress, processor.id, socketChannel.socket.getSendBufferSize, sendBufferSize, socketChannel.socket.getReceiveBufferSize, recvBufferSize)) processor.accept(socketChannel)//交给Processor处理,这个已经是通过轮询选中的 } catch { case e: TooManyConnectionsException => info("Rejected connection from %s, address already has the configured maximum of %d connections.".format(e.ip, e.count)) close(socketChannel) } }
/** * Queue up a new connection for reading */ def accept(socketChannel: SocketChannel) { newConnections.add(socketChannel) wakeup() }
private val newConnections = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[SocketChannel]()
那么, 这个新的连接是怎么被Processor处理的呢?
/** * Register any new connections that have been queued up */ private def configureNewConnections() { while (!newConnections.isEmpty) { val channel = newConnections.poll() try { debug(s"Processor $id listening to new connection from ${channel.socket.getRemoteSocketAddress}") val localHost = channel.socket().getLocalAddress.getHostAddress val localPort = channel.socket().getLocalPort val remoteHost = channel.socket().getInetAddress.getHostAddress val remotePort = channel.socket().getPort val connectionId = ConnectionId(localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort).toString selector.register(connectionId, channel)//注册读事件 } catch { // We explicitly catch all non fatal exceptions and close the socket to avoid a socket leak. The other // throwables will be caught in processor and logged as uncaught exceptions. case NonFatal(e) => val remoteAddress = channel.getRemoteAddress // need to close the channel here to avoid a socket leak. close(channel) error(s"Processor $id closed connection from $remoteAddress", e) } } }
private def processCompletedReceives() { selector.completedReceives.asScala.foreach { receive => try { val openChannel = selector.channel(receive.source) // Only methods that are safe to call on a disconnected channel should be invoked on 'openOrClosingChannel'. val openOrClosingChannel = if (openChannel != null) openChannel else selector.closingChannel(receive.source) val session = RequestChannel.Session(new KafkaPrincipal(KafkaPrincipal.USER_TYPE, openOrClosingChannel.principal.getName), openOrClosingChannel.socketAddress) val req = RequestChannel.Request(processor = id, connectionId = receive.source, session = session, buffer = receive.payload, startTimeNanos = time.nanoseconds, listenerName = listenerName, securityProtocol = securityProtocol) requestChannel.sendRequest(req)//发给业务线程池,是通过requestChannel selector.mute(receive.source) } catch { case e @ (_: InvalidRequestException | _: SchemaException) => // note that even though we got an exception, we can assume that receive.source is valid. Issues with constructing a valid receive object were handled earlier error(s"Closing socket for ${receive.source} because of error", e) close(selector, receive.source) } } }
/** Send a request to be handled, potentially blocking until there is room in the queue for the request */ def sendRequest(request: RequestChannel.Request) { requestQueue.put(request) }